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Tag: Social Media

Woman smiles at phone
We live in a world where we are more likely to listen to the phone in our hands or a Google Home device than friends or colleagues.

Who Does Your Boss Trust More – You Or Google?

We live in a world where we are more likely to listen to the phone in our hands than friends or colleagues. According to research from BI Norwegian Business School, this is the tendency for certain people in leadership positions, putting themselves at a disadvantage.

Many of us have bought something because an influencer told us to, but will consumer trust fade as influencer advertisements grow?

How To Be An Instagram Influencer

Research shows that posting too regularly leads to general mistrust from followers. To boost engagement, a more emotional personal approach is needed.

New research shows that attractive influencers might just ruin your chances. 

Attractive Social Media Influencers Hinder The Success Of Products

Celebrity endorsements were the original form of influencer marketing. But does using influencers as part of your product promotion automatically ensure product success? It’s not as simple as you might think. New research shows that attractive influencers might just ruin your chances.